Deploying neural networks to different devices or platforms is in general challenging, especially when the model size is large or model complexity is high. Although there exist ways for model pruning or distillation, it is typically required to perform a full round of model training or finetuning procedure in order to obtain a smaller model that satisfies the model size or complexity constraints. Motivated by recent works on dynamic neural networks, we propose a simple way to train a large network and flexibly extract a subnetwork from it given a model size or complexity constraint during inference. We introduce a new way to allow a large model to be trained with dynamic depth and width during the training phase, and after the large model is trained we can select a subnetwork from it with arbitrary depth and width during the inference phase with a relatively better performance compared to training the subnetwork independently from scratch. Experiment results on a music source separation model show that our proposed method can effectively improve the separation performance across different subnetwork sizes and complexities with a single large model, and training the large model takes significantly shorter time than training all the different subnetworks.