To enable emerging applications such as deep machine learning and graph processing, 3D network-on-chip (NoC) enabled heterogeneous manycore platforms that can integrate many processing elements (PEs) are needed. However, designing such complex systems with multiple objectives can be challenging due to the huge associated design space and long evaluation times. To optimize such systems, we propose a new multi-objective design space exploration framework called MOELA that combines the benefits of evolutionary-based search with a learning-based local search to quickly determine PE and communication link placement to optimize multiple objectives (e.g., latency, throughput, and energy) in 3D NoC enabled heterogeneous manycore systems. Compared to state-of-the-art approaches, MOELA increases the speed of finding solutions by up to 128x, leads to a better Pareto Hypervolume (PHV) by up to 12.14x and improves energy-delay-product (EDP) by up to 7.7% in a 5-objective scenario.
翻译:为使深层机器学习和图表处理等新兴应用成为可能,需要3D网络芯片(NOC)使多种多功能平台能够整合许多处理元素(PE),然而,设计这种具有多重目标的复杂系统,由于相关设计空间巨大且评价时间长,可能具有挑战性。为了优化这些系统,我们提议一个新的多目标空间探索框架,称为MOELA,将基于进化的搜索的好处与基于学习的本地搜索结合起来,以便迅速确定PE和通信连接位置,优化3D诺C启用的多功能系统中的多个目标(如延缓、吞吐和能源)。与最先进的方法相比,MOELA将寻找解决方案的速度提高至128x,导致以12.14x为基础改进Pareto 超容量(PHPHV),并在5-目标假设中提高能源脱落产品(EDP)至7.7%。</s>