Traditional techniques for calculating outstanding claim liabilities such as the chain ladder are notoriously at risk of being distorted by outliers in past claims data. Unfortunately, the literature in robust methods of reserving is scant, with notable exceptions such as Verdonck and Debruyne (2011) and Verdonck and Van Wouwe (2011). In this paper, we put forward two alternative robust bivariate chain-ladder techniques to extend the approach of Verdonck and Van Wouwe (2011). The first technique is based on Adjusted Outlyingness (Hubert and Van der Veeken, 2008) and explicitly incorporates skewness into the analysis whilst providing a unique measure of outlyingness for each observation. The second technique is based on bagdistance (Hubert et al., 2016) which is derived from the bagplot however is able to provide a unique measure of outlyingness and a means to adjust outlying observations based on this measure. Furthermore, we extend our robust bivariate chain-ladder approach to an N-dimensional framework. The implementation of the methods, especially beyond bivariate, is not trivial. This is illustrated on a trivariate data set from Australian general insurers, and results under the different outlier detection and treatment mechanisms are compared.
翻译:计算未偿索赔责任的传统技术,如链梯子,在以往索赔数据中被外星系扭曲的风险是众所周知的。不幸的是,稳健保留方法的文献很少,但有明显的例外,如Verdonck和Debruyne(2011)以及Verdonck和Van Wouwe(2011)。在本文中,我们提出了两种强有力的双轨链式技术,以扩展Verdonck和Van Wouwe(2011)的做法。第一种技术以调整外星特征为基础(Hubert和Van der Veeken,2008年),并在分析中明确纳入隐蔽性,同时为每项观测提供了独特的外向性度度度。第二种技术以包距离(Hubert等人,2016年)为基础,但从袋式平线中衍生出,但能够提供独特的外向度度度度度尺度和根据这一尺度调整外向外观测的方法。此外,我们将强健健健的双轨链梯法系方法推广到N-维维度框架(Hubertate and Verate),其实施情况并非微不足道。这体现在根据澳大利亚总保险的三轨和不同检测机制所设定的数据。