The modular decomposition of a graph $G$ is a natural construction to capture key features of $G$ in terms of a labeled tree $(T,t)$ whose vertices are labeled as "series" ($1$), "parallel" ($0$) or "prime". However, full information of $G$ is provided by its modular decomposition tree $(T,t)$ only, if $G$ is a cograph, i.e., $G$ does not contain prime modules. In this case, $(T,t)$ explains $G$, i.e., $\{x,y\}\in E(G)$ if and only if the lowest common ancestor $\mathrm{lca}_T(x,y)$ of $x$ and $y$ has label "$1$". Pseudo-cographs, or, more general, GaTEx graphs $G$ are graphs that can be explained by labeled galled-trees, i.e., labeled networks $(N,t)$ that are obtained from the modular decomposition tree $(T,t)$ of $G$ by replacing the prime vertices in $T$ by simple labeled cycles. GaTEx graphs can be recognized and labeled galled-trees that explain these graphs can be constructed in linear time. In this contribution, we provide a novel characterization of GaTEx graphs in terms of a set $\mathfrak{F}_{\mathrm{GT}}$ of 25 forbidden induced subgraphs. This characterization, in turn, allows us to show that GaTEx graphs are closely related to many other well-known graph classes such as $P_4$-sparse and $P_4$-reducible graphs, weakly-chordal graphs, perfect graphs with perfect order, comparability and permutation graphs, murky graphs as well as interval graphs, Meyniel graphs or very strongly-perfect and brittle graphs.
翻译:图形 G$ 的模块化分解 $G 美元是一种自然构造, 用来捕捉 $G$ 的关键特征 。 在这种情况下, $( T, t) 代表$G$, 其脊椎标签为“ 系列” ($) 、“ 平行” (0美元) 或“ 纯 ” 。 然而, $ G$ 的全部信息仅由其模块式分解树 $( T, t) 提供。 如果 $ G$ 是一个cograph, 即 $G$ 不包含原始模块 。 在这种情况下, $( T, t) 代表$ GG$, 则表示 Exqolt, 以“ 常规” (美元) 平面图中, 也可以以“ 美元” 平面图中, 以“ 平面” 平面图中, 以“ 美元” 平面图中, 以“ 美元 美元 ” 和“ 平面纸 ” 表示 。