This paper addresses the question of whether or not uncoupled online learning algorithms converge to the Nash equilibrium in pricing competition or whether they can learn to collude. Algorithmic collusion has been debated among competition regulators, and it is a highly relevant phenomenon for buyers and sellers on online retail platforms. We analyze formally if mean-based algorithms, a class of bandit algorithms relevant to algorithmic pricing, converge to the Nash equilibrium in repeated Bertrand oligopolies. Bandit algorithms only learn the profit of the agent for the price set in each step. In addition, we provide results of extensive experiments with different types of multi-armed bandit algorithms used for algorithmic pricing. In a mathematical proof, we show that mean-based algorithms converge to correlated rational strategy profiles, which coincide with the Nash equilibrium in versions of the Bertrand competition. Learning algorithms do not converge to a Nash equilibrium in general, and the fact that Bertrand pricing games are learnable with bandit algorithms is remarkable. Our numerical results suggest that wide-spread bandit algorithms that are not mean-based also converge to equilibrium and that algorithmic collusion only arises with symmetric implementations of UCB or Q-learning, but not if different algorithms are used by sellers. In addition, the level of supra-competitive prices decreases with increasing numbers of sellers. Supra-competitive prices decrease consumer welfare. If algorithms lead to algorithmic collusion, this is important for consumers, sellers, and regulators to understand. We show that for the important class of multi-armed bandit algorithms such fears are overrated unless all sellers agree on a symmetric implementation of certain collusive algorithms.