Niching methods have been developed to maintain the population diversity, to investigate many peaks in parallel and to reduce the effect of genetic drift. We present the first rigorous runtime analyses of restricted tournament selection (RTS), embedded in a ($\mu$+1) EA, and analyse its effectiveness at finding both optima of the bimodal function ${\rm T{\small WO}M{\small AX}}$. In RTS, an offspring competes against the closest individual, with respect to some distance measure, amongst $w$ (window size) population members (chosen uniformly at random with replacement), to encourage competition within the same niche. We prove that RTS finds both optima on ${\rm T{\small WO}M{\small AX}}$ efficiently if the window size $w$ is large enough. However, if $w$ is too small, RTS fails to find both optima even in exponential time, with high probability. We further consider a variant of RTS selecting individuals for the tournament \emph{without} replacement. It yields a more diverse tournament and is more effective at preventing one niche from taking over the other. However, this comes at the expense of a slower progress towards optima when a niche collapses to a single individual. Our theoretical results are accompanied by experimental studies that shed light on parameters not covered by the theoretical results and support a conjectured lower runtime bound.
翻译:为了保持人口多样性,同时调查许多峰值,并减少遗传漂移的影响,我们制定了一些方法,以保持人口多样性,同时调查许多峰值,并减少遗传漂移的影响。我们首次对嵌入一个($mu$+1)EA的限制性比赛选拔赛(RTS)进行了严格的运行时间分析,并分析了其效率,以找到双模式功能的优选方案$(T$+1)和小AX ⁇ 美元。在RTS中,一个后代在某种距离尺度上与最接近的个人竞争,在(窗口大小)人口成员之间(以替代方式随机选择),以鼓励同一位置的竞争。我们证明RTS发现,如果窗口大小足够大,那么,它就会发现双优选方案的有效性。然而,如果美元太小,RTS无法找到两种选择方案,即使是在指数指数化时,也很有可能与最接近的人竞争。我们进一步考虑RTS选择个人参加比赛(以随机替换方式选择),从而在同一位置上鼓励竞争。我们证明,如果窗口规模大小为美元,那么,RTS得到的一档值的优选取效果会比较有效。但是,这个基础研究不会因为单个的平步步步期会缓慢。