The challenge for next-generation underwater optical wireless communication systems is to develop optical transceivers that can operate with low power consumption by maximizing the transmission capacity according to the transmission distance between transmitters and receivers. This study proposes an underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) system using an optical transceiver with an optimum transmission rate for the deep sea with near-pure water properties. As a method for actualizing an optical transceiver with an optimum transmission rate in a UWOC system, time-domain hybrid pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) (TDHP) using a transmission rate and distance-adaptive intensity modulation/direct detection optical transceiver is considered. In the TDHP method, variable transmission capacity is actualized while changing the generation ratio of two intensity-modulated signals with different noise immunities in the time domain. Three different color laser diodes (LDs), red, blue, and green are used in an underwater channel transmission transceiver that comprises the LD and a photodiode. The maximum transmission distance while changing the incidence of PAM 2 and PAM 4 signals that calibrate the TDHP in a pure transmission line and how the maximum transmission distance changes when the optical transmitter/receiver spatial optical system is altered from the optimum conditions are clarified based on numerical calculation and simulation. To the best knowledge of the authors, there is no other research on data-rate and distance adaptive UWOC system that applies the TDHP signal with power optimization between two modulation formats.
翻译:下一代水下光学无线通信系统面临的挑战是开发光学收发器,根据发射机和接收机之间传输距离的距离,最大限度地扩大传输能力,从而低电耗,从而发展光学收发器。本研究建议采用光学收发器建立水下无线光学通信系统(UWOC),该系统使用光学收发器,对深海采用最佳传输速率,具有接近纯水的特性。作为一种在UWOC系统中实现最佳传输速率的光学收发器的方法,时间-多功能混合脉冲调控器(TDHP),使用传输速率和远程调频强度调控/直接检测光学收发器(TDHP),在采用THP2和PAM 4的信号时,变量传输能力是实际化的,同时改变两种强度调频调信号的生成率,在时间域内有不同的噪音豁免。三种不同的彩色激光二极器(LD)、红色、蓝色和绿色用于水下频道传输传输传输接收器,其中包括LD和光管。最大传输距离传输线,同时改变PAM的传输线和PAM 4信号传输速度,在最精确传输系统上进行最精确的计算时,在最精确的传输和最精确的传输系统上,对光导变换的计算系统进行最精确的计算。