Behavior trees (BTs) are a popular method for modeling NPC and enemy AI behavior and have been widely used in commercial games. In this work, rather than use BTs to model game playing agents, we use them for modeling game design agents, defining behaviors as content generation tasks rather than in-game actions. Similar to how traditional BTs enable modeling behaviors in a modular and dynamic manner, BTs for PCG enable simple subtrees for generating parts of levels to be combined modularly to form complex trees for generating whole levels as well as generators that can dynamically vary the generated content. We refer to this approach as Procedural Content Generation using Behavior Trees, or PCGBT, and demonstrate it by using BTs to model generators for Super Mario Bros., Mega Man and Metroid levels as well as dungeon layouts and discuss several ways in which this paradigm could be applied and extended in the future.
翻译:行为树( BTs) 是模拟 NPC 和敌人AI 行为的一种流行方法, 并被广泛用于商业游戏。 在这项工作中, 我们使用BTs 来模拟游戏代理器, 我们用BTs来模拟游戏代理器, 将行为定义为内容生成任务, 而不是游戏操作。 类似传统 BTs 能够以模块化和动态方式进行模拟行为的方式, PCG BTs 使生成水平部分的简单亚树能够以模块化的方式组合成复杂的树, 形成整个水平的复合树以及能够动态地改变生成内容的生成者。 我们称这个方法为程序内容生成, 使用 BTs 来模拟超级马里奥兄弟的生成者。 、 Mega Man 和 Metroid 级别, 以及地牢布局等, 并讨论未来应用和扩展该模式的几种方法 。