Edge Computing (EC) allows users to access computing resources at the network frontier, which paves the way for deploying delay-sensitive applications such as Mobile Augmented Reality (MAR). Under the EC paradigm, MAR users connect to the EC server, open sessions and send continuously frames to be processed. The EC server sends back virtual information to enhance the human perception of the world by merging it with the real environment. Resource allocation arises as a critical challenge when several MAR Service Providers (SPs) compete for limited resources at the edge of the network. In this paper, we consider EC in a multi-tenant environment where the resource owner, i.e., the Network Operator (NO), virtualizes the resources and lets SPs run their services using the allocated slice of resources. Indeed, for MAR applications, we focus on two specific resources: CPU and RAM, deployed in some edge node, e.g., a central office. We study the decision of the NO about how to partition these resources among several SPs. We model the arrival and service dynamics of users belonging to different SPs using Erlang queuing model and show that under perfect information, the interaction between the NO and SPs can be formulated as a sub-modular maximization problem under multiple Knapsack constraints. To solve the problem, we use an approximation algorithm, guaranteeing a bounded gap with respect to the optimal theoretical solution. Our numerical results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms baseline proportional allocation in terms of the number of sessions accommodated at the edge for each SP.
翻译:电磁计算(EC) 允许用户在网络前沿获取计算资源,这为部署像移动增强现实(MAR)这样的延迟敏感应用程序铺平了道路。 在欧盟委员会范式下,MAR用户连接到EC服务器,开放会话并发送要处理的连续框架。EC服务器通过将它与真实环境合并,发送虚拟信息,以提高人类对世界的看法。当若干MAR服务提供商(SP)在网络边缘竞争有限资源时,资源分配就成为一个重大挑战。在本文中,我们认为EC是在多耗时环境中,资源所有者,即网络操作员(NO)将资源虚拟化,让SP用户使用所分配的资源来运行其服务。事实上,对于MAR应用程序,我们侧重于两种具体资源:CPU和RAM,通过将它与实际环境结合起来。当若干M服务供应商在网络边缘竞争有限资源时,资源分配就是一个重大挑战。我们用Erlancqueu 模型来模拟属于不同SP的用户的抵达和服务动态。我们用Errangeral 模型来模拟资源配置,并显示在最精确的排序中,在Slodialalal imalalimal imalbalbism 中,我们可以显示我们使用一个最优化的Simalim 问题中, 。