We demonstrate that conventional artificial deep neural networks operating near the phase boundary of the signal propagation dynamics, also known as the edge of chaos, exhibit universal scaling laws of absorbing phase transitions in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. Our numerical results indicate that the multilayer perceptrons and the convolutional neural networks belong to the mean-field and the directed percolation universality classes, respectively. Also, the finite-size scaling is successfully applied, suggesting a potential connection to the depth-width trade-off in deep learning. Furthermore, our analysis of the training dynamics under gradient descent reveals that hyperparameter tuning to the phase boundary is necessary but insufficient for achieving optimal generalization in deep networks. Remarkably, nonuniversal metric factors associated with the scaling laws are shown to play a significant role in concretizing the above observations. These findings highlight the usefulness of the notion of criticality for analyzing the behavior of artificial deep neural networks and offer new insights toward a unified understanding of an essential relationship between criticality and intelligence.