We implemented two distinct 3-dimensional deep learning neural networks and evaluate their ability to segment intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) seen on non-contrast computed tomography (CT). One model, referred to as "Voxels-Intersecting along Orthogonal Levels of Attention U-Net" (viola-Unet), has architecture elements that are amenable to the INSTANCE 2022 Data Challenge. A second comparison model was derived from the no-new U-Net (nnU-Net). Input images and ground truth segmentation maps were used to train the two networks separately in supervised manner; validation data were subsequently used for semi-supervised training. Model predictions were compared during 5-fold cross validation. The viola-Unet outperformed the comparison network on two out of four performance metrics (i.e., NSD and RVD). An ensemble model that combined viola-Unet and nnU-Net networks had the highest performance for DSC and HD. We demonstrate there were ICH segmentation performance benefits associated with a 3D U-Net efficiently incorporates spatially orthogonal features during the decoding branch of the U-Net. The code base, pretrained weights, and docker image of the viola-Unet AI tool will be publicly available at https://github.com/samleoqh/Viola-Unet .
翻译:我们实施了两个截然不同的三维深深学习神经网络,并评价了它们分解在非光学计算断层图像(CT)上观察到的两层内部出血的能力。一个模型被称为“Orthogonal 关注水平U-Net(viola-Unet)的相互交错”(viola-Unet),其结构要素可适用于INSTONCE 2022数据挑战。第二个比较模型取自无新 U-Net(nnU-Net),输入图像和地面真相分解图被用于以监督方式分别培训这两个网络;验证数据随后用于半超导培训。模型预测在5倍公交验证期间进行了比较。viola-Unet在四种性能衡量标准(即NSDD和RVD)中,有两种(即Vio-Unet-Net和nnU-Net网络网络网络网络)的结合性能是DSC和HD的最高。我们表明,在3DU-Net(U-Net)现有U-Net、U-commainal deqal ex-deal exal exal exal ex-licommabal ex-deal ex-ligilal ex-deal ex-ligal ex-deal-deal exal exal-toalsilutalbal-toals) ex-toalbal-toal-toal ex-deal-degal-degal-degal ex-toal-toal-toal-demogal-toal-degildal ex-toal-toal ex-toil-toilgil-togil-toil-toil ex-tomatimatimaps.s-al ex-I-I-I-I-I-tomas) ex-toal-toal-debalbaldalbal-debal-debalbal-toal-toal-toal-dements-toal-to-de-toal-toal-toal-toal-toal-toal-toal-toal-toal-toal-toal-toal-de-