The graph Laplacian is a fundamental object in the analysis of and optimization on graphs. This operator can be extended to a simplicial complex $K$ and therefore offers a way to perform ``signal processing" on $p$-(co)chains of $K$. Recently, the concept of persistent Laplacian was proposed and studied for a pair of simplicial complexes $K\hookrightarrow L$ connected by an inclusion relation, further broadening the use of Laplace-based operators. In this paper, we expand the scope of the persistent Laplacian by generalizing it to a pair of simplicial complexes connected by a simplicial map $f: K \to L$. Such simplicial map setting arises frequently, e.g., when relating a coarsened simplicial representation with an original representation, or the case when the two simplicial complexes are spanned by different point sets i.e. cases in which it does not hold that $K\subset L$. However, the simplicial map setting is more challenging than the inclusion setting since the underlying algebraic structure is more complicated. We present a natural generalization of the persistent Laplacian to the simplicial setting. To shed insight on the structure behind it, as well as to develop an algorithm to compute it, we exploit the relationship between the persistent Laplacian and the Schur complement of a matrix. A critical step is to view the Schur complement as a functorial way of restricting a self-adjoint PSD operator to a given subspace. As a consequence, we prove that persistent Betti numbers of a simplicial map can be recovered by persistent Laplacians. We then propose an algorithm for finding the matrix representations of persistent Laplacians which in turn yields a new algorithm for computing persistent Betti numbers of a simplicial map. Finally, we study the persistent Laplacian on simplicial towers under simplicial maps and establish monotonicity results for their eigenvalues.
翻译:图形 Laplacian 是分析和优化图形中一个基本对象 。 这个操作器可以扩展为简单复杂 $K$, 从而提供一个在$K$(co) 链上执行“ 信号处理” 的方法 。 最近, 长的 Laplacian 的概念被提出来研究用于一对简化的复合 $K\ hookrightrow L$, 通过一个包含关系连接到一对简单复杂复杂的复合 。 进一步扩大了基于 Lapla 的操作器的使用范围 。 在本文中, 我们可以通过将它推广到一对齐的复杂复杂复杂复杂复杂复杂的复杂复杂复杂复杂复杂复杂的复杂历史结构 。 如此, 将一个固定的解析图的不断变现到一个不断变现的不断变现, 将一个不断变现的变现的变现的变现, 将一个不断变现的变现的变现的变现的变现, 将一个不断变现的变现的变现的变现的变现的变现, 将一个不断变现的变现的变现的变的变现的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的变的。