Balancing individual specialisation and shared behaviours is a critical challenge in multi-agent reinforcement learning (MARL). Existing methods typically focus on encouraging diversity or leveraging shared representations. Full parameter sharing (FuPS) improves sample efficiency but struggles to learn diverse behaviours when required, while no parameter sharing (NoPS) enables diversity but is computationally expensive and sample inefficient. To address these challenges, we introduce HyperMARL, a novel approach using hypernetworks to balance efficiency and specialisation. HyperMARL generates agent-specific actor and critic parameters, enabling agents to adaptively exhibit diverse or homogeneous behaviours as needed, without modifying the learning objective or requiring prior knowledge of the optimal diversity. Furthermore, HyperMARL decouples agent-specific and state-based gradients, which empirically correlates with reduced policy gradient variance, potentially offering insights into its ability to capture diverse behaviours. Across MARL benchmarks requiring homogeneous, heterogeneous, or mixed behaviours, HyperMARL consistently matches or outperforms FuPS, NoPS, and diversity-focused methods, achieving NoPS-level diversity with a shared architecture. These results highlight the potential of hypernetworks as a versatile approach to the trade-off between specialisation and shared behaviours in MARL.