Mathematical Selection is a method in which we select a particular choice from a set of such. It have always been an interesting field of study for mathematicians. Accordingly, Combinatorial Optimization is a sub field of this domain of Mathematical Selection, where we generally, deal with problems subjecting to Operation Research, Artificial Intelligence and many more promising domains. In a broader sense, an optimization problem entails maximising or minimising a real function by systematically selecting input values from within an allowed set and computing the function's value. A broad region of applied mathematics is the generalisation of metaheuristic theory and methods to other formulations. More broadly, optimization entails determining the finest virtues of some fitness function, offered a fixed space, which may include a variety of distinct types of decision variables and contexts. In this work, we will be working on the famous Balanced Assignment Problem, and will propose a comparative analysis on the Complexity Metrics of Computational Time for different Notions of solving the Balanced Assignment Problem.