Cyclic codes are the most studied subclass of linear codes and widely used in data storage and communication systems. Many cyclic codes have optimal parameters or the best parameters known. They are divided into simple-root cyclic codes and repeated-root cyclic codes. Although there are a huge number of references on cyclic codes, few of them are on repeated-root cyclic codes. Hence, repeated-root cyclic codes are rarely studied. There are a few families of distance-optimal repeated-root binary and $p$-ary cyclic codes for odd prime $p$ in the literature. However, it is open whether there exists an infinite family of distance-optimal repeated-root cyclic codes over $\bF_q$ for each even $q \geq 4$. In this paper, three infinite families of distance-optimal repeated-root cyclic codes with minimum distance 3 or 4 are constructed; two other infinite families of repeated-root cyclic codes with minimum distance 3 or 4 are developed; four infinite families of repeated-root cyclic codes with minimum distance 6 or 8 are presented; and two infinite families of repeated-root binary cyclic codes with parameters $[2n, k, d \geq (n-1)/\log_2 n]$, where $n=2^m-1$ and $k \geq n$, are constructed. In addition, 27 repeated-root cyclic codes of length up to $254$ over $\bF_q$ for $q \in \{2, 4, 8\}$ with optimal parameters or best parameters known are obtained in this paper. The results of this paper show that repeated-root cyclic codes could be very attractive and are worth of further investigation.