Since the 1920s, when the three oscillations ENSO, NAO and NPO were found and defined, the theory of ocean-atmosphere coupling is particularly important in explaining the phenomena of atmospheric physics, then defined more than ten climate indexes, such as SOI, AO, AAO and Nino monitoring area and so on, the indexes usually adopt standardized sea level pressure (SLP) difference or standardized sea surface temperature anomaly (SSTA) difference definitions. The survey is carried out with seventy stations runoff of major rivers in the world shows that the correlation coefficient between these indexes and runoff is very low, most of which is between 0.1-0.2, the impact of the index on the hydrologic climate cannot be truly reflected, which has led to doubts about the clear physical mechanism and even questions of teleological authenticity. This is due to the fact that standardization is a nonlinear process, which changes the structure of the original data, causing the correlation coefficient to be low. Using sea surface temperature difference (SSTD) to define these climate indexes, the correlation coefficient is significantly improved, the Hankou station of Yangtze river, Darband station of Ind, Hope station of Fraser, Bangui station of Oubangui generally exceeds 0.8 strong degree, which prove that these relevant elements have a high resonance effect, there must be a common driving physical quantity. We find that the sun-earth distance has a very strong resonance effect, it is the earth's rotational orbit that determines their common activity intensity and cycle characteristics. The sun-earth distance can accurately calculate the tens and hundreds years of SST and SSTD, if using the SST or SSTD as the climate indicators, which express physical process of various ocean-atmosphere coupling, we can thoroughly solve long-term ultra-long-term forecast of international difficulty problems.
翻译:1920年代,当发现和界定了三个振动的厄尔尼诺、那奥和NPO时,海洋-大气交错理论对于解释大气物理现象特别重要,然后界定了十多个气候指数,如SOI、AO、AAO和Nino监测区,等等。由于该指数通常采用标准化的海平面压力差异或标准化海平面温度异常(SSTA)差异定义,调查涉及世界上70个主要河流的径流站,表明这些指数和径流之间的相关系数非常低,其中多数在0.10-0.2之间,该指数对水文气候的影响无法真正反映出来,这导致对清晰的物理机制甚至电离子监测区等十多个气候指数产生怀疑。 这是因为标准化是一个非线性的过程,它改变了原始数据的结构,导致相关系数降低。 利用海平面温度差异(SSTD)来定义这些气候指数,各种相关系数得到显著改善, 延坦河的康常态温度站,如果普通的距离,达班德太阳站的距离无法真正反映其正常的轨道,而希望S station Station的温度变化是正常的循环, 。