Voice conversion (VC) aims at conversion of speaker characteristic without altering content. Due to training data limitations and modeling imperfections, it is difficult to achieve believable speaker mimicry without introducing processing artifacts; performance assessment of VC, therefore, usually involves both speaker similarity and quality evaluation by a human panel. As a time-consuming, expensive, and non-reproducible process, it hinders rapid prototyping of new VC technology. We address artifact assessment using an alternative, objective approach leveraging from prior work on spoofing countermeasures (CMs) for automatic speaker verification. Therein, CMs are used for rejecting `fake' inputs such as replayed, synthetic or converted speech but their potential for automatic speech artifact assessment remains unknown. This study serves to fill that gap. As a supplement to subjective results for the 2018 Voice Conversion Challenge (VCC'18) data, we configure a standard constant-Q cepstral coefficient CM to quantify the extent of processing artifacts. Equal error rate (EER) of the CM, a confusability index of VC samples with real human speech, serves as our artifact measure. Two clusters of VCC'18 entries are identified: low-quality ones with detectable artifacts (low EERs), and higher quality ones with less artifacts. None of the VCC'18 systems, however, is perfect: all EERs are < 30 % (the `ideal' value would be 50 %). Our preliminary findings suggest potential of CMs outside of their original application, as a supplemental optimization and benchmarking tool to enhance VC technology.
翻译:语音转换(VC) 的目的是在不改变内容的情况下转换语音特征。由于培训数据限制和模型不完善,很难在不引入加工文物的情况下实现令人信服的语音模拟;因此,对VC的绩效评估通常既涉及发言者的相似性,也涉及由人类小组进行质量评估。作为一个耗时、昂贵和不可复制的过程,它阻碍了新的VC技术的快速原型。我们使用一种替代的客观方法,利用先前关于自动语音核查的假冒反措施(CM)的工作来进行人工制品评估。因此,CM用于拒绝“伪造”的语音模拟,如重播、合成或转换的语音;因此,VC的绩效评估通常涉及由声音相似性和质量评估来进行。作为2018年语音转换挑战(VCC”18)数据主观结果的补充,我们设置了一个标准定序质系数C以量化处理艺术品的程度。CM的原始误差率(EER),VC样品的易变值指数与实际的精度(VC18)相比,其精度应用的精度为精度为精度的精度测量质量,而ERC的精度为精度为精度的精度测量组。