Cross-view image geolocalization provides an estimate of an agent's global position by matching a local ground image to an overhead satellite image without the need for GPS. It is challenging to reliably match a ground image to the correct satellite image since the images have significant viewpoint differences. Existing works have demonstrated localization in constrained scenarios over small areas but have not demonstrated wider-scale localization. Our approach, called Wide-Area Geolocalization (WAG), combines a neural network with a particle filter to achieve global position estimates for agents moving in GPS-denied environments, scaling efficiently to city-scale regions. WAG introduces a trinomial loss function for a Siamese network to robustly match non-centered image pairs and thus enables the generation of a smaller satellite image database by coarsely discretizing the search area. A modified particle filter weighting scheme is also presented to improve localization accuracy and convergence. Taken together, WAG's network training and particle filter weighting approach achieves city-scale position estimation accuracies on the order of 20 meters, a 98% reduction compared to a baseline training and weighting approach. Applied to a smaller-scale testing area, WAG reduces the final position estimation error by 64% compared to a state-of-the-art baseline from the literature. WAG's search space discretization additionally significantly reduces storage and processing requirements.
翻译:交叉视图图像地理定位(WAG) 提供了一个神经网络和一个粒子过滤器,用来对在GPS封闭环境中移动的物剂进行全球定位估计,从而有效地向城市规模区域推广。WAG为Siams网络引入了三成损失功能,以与非中心图像对齐,从而能够通过对搜索区域进行粗略的离散来生成一个较小的卫星图像数据库。还介绍了一个改良的粒子过滤权重计划,以提高本地化的准确性和趋同性。综合起来,WAG的网络培训和粒子过滤权比对20米范围内移动的物剂进行全球定位估计,与基线培训和加权方法相比,降幅为98 %, 使Siams网络与正确的图像对齐,从而能够通过对搜索区域进行粗略的离散来生成一个较小的卫星图像数据库。还介绍了一个改良的粒子过滤权重计划,以提高本地化的准确性和趋同性。综合起来,WAG的网络培训和粒子过滤权重方法可以对20米的物位进行城市规模定位估计,比基线培训和加权法减少了98%。WAAG将空间定位比小的定位降为64号的搜索级的精确到更小的定位。