Generating high-performance code for diverse hardware and application domains is challenging. Functional array programming languages with patterns like map and reduce have been successfully combined with term rewriting to define and explore optimization spaces. However, deciding what sequence of rewrites to apply is hard and has a huge impact on the performance of the rewritten program. Equality saturation avoids the issue by exploring many possible ways to apply rewrites, efficiently representing many equivalent programs in an e-graph data structure. Equality saturation has some limitations when rewriting functional language terms, as currently naive encodings of the lambda calculus are used. We present new techniques for encoding polymorphically typed lambda calculi, and show that the efficient encoding reduces the runtime and memory consumption of equality saturation by orders of magnitude. Moreover, equality saturation does not yet scale to complex compiler optimizations. These emerge from long rewrite sequences of thousands of rewrite steps, and may use pathological combinations of rewrite rules that cause the e-graph to quickly grow too large. This paper introduces \emph{sketch-guided equality saturation}, a semi-automatic technique that allows programmers to provide program sketches to guide rewriting. Sketch-guided equality saturation is evaluated for seven complex matrix multiplication optimizations, including loop blocking, vectorization, and multi-threading. Even with efficient lambda calculus encoding, unguided equality saturation can locate only the two simplest of these optimizations, the remaining five are undiscovered even with an hour of compilation time and 60GB of RAM. By specifying three or fewer sketch guides all seven optimizations are found in seconds of compilation time, using under 1GB of RAM, and generating high performance code.
翻译:为多种硬件和应用程序生成高性能代码具有挑战性。 功能阵列编程语言在重写功能语言时有一定的局限性, 如地图和缩略语等模式已经成功地与术语重写结合起来, 以定义和探索优化空间。 但是, 决定要应用的重写顺序是困难的, 对重写程序的性能产生巨大影响。 平等饱和通过探索许多可能的重写方法来避免问题, 从而在电子数据结构中有效代表许多等效程序。 平等饱和在重写功能语言术语时有一些局限性, 因为目前使用的是羊羔缩缩缩微缩缩微缩缩缩缩缩微缩微缩缩缩微缩缩缩缩缩缩缩缩缩略图, 我们展示了用于多级的多变缩缩缩微缩略微缩微缩微缩微缩略图的新的技术。 平等饱和微缩略微缩略微缩微缩微缩微缩微缩微缩微缩微缩微缩略图, 本文引入了不精微缩微缩微缩微缩微缩微的缩略缩略缩略缩缩略图,, 将平缩微缩微缩微缩微缩缩缩缩缩缩缩略图,, 将 将双缩微缩略微缩略缩略缩略缩略略略略略略略略略略略略略略略略图,,, 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将 将