The BARN (Benchmark Autonomous Robot Navigation) Challenge took place at the 2022 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA 2022) in Philadelphia, PA. The aim of the challenge was to evaluate state-of-the-art autonomous ground navigation systems for moving robots through highly constrained environments in a safe and efficient manner. Specifically, the task was to navigate a standardized, differential-drive ground robot from a predefined start location to a goal location as quickly as possible without colliding with any obstacles, both in simulation and in the real world. Five teams from all over the world participated in the qualifying simulation competition, three of which were invited to compete with each other at a set of physical obstacle courses at the conference center in Philadelphia. The competition results suggest that autonomous ground navigation in highly constrained spaces, despite seeming ostensibly simple even for experienced roboticists, is actually far from being a solved problem. In this article, we discuss the challenge, the approaches used by the top three winning teams, and lessons learned to direct future research.
翻译:BARN(自动机器人导航基准)挑战发生在2022年在PA费城举行的IEEE机器人与自动化国际会议(ICRA 2022)上,其目的是评估以安全和高效的方式将机器人通过高度受限的环境移动到最先进的自主地面导航系统。具体地说,任务是将标准化的、有区别的地面驾驶机器人从一个预先确定的起始点尽快引导到一个目标位置,而不会在模拟和现实世界中遇到任何障碍。来自世界各地的五个小组参加了合格的模拟竞赛,其中三个小组应邀在费城会议中心的一系列物理障碍课程上相互竞争。竞争结果表明,在高度受限的空间进行自主的地面导航,尽管表面上似乎甚至对有经验的机器人学家来说很简单,但实际上远没有解决一个问题。在文章中,我们讨论了挑战、三个最成功小组采用的方法以及指导未来研究的经验教训。