Advanced societies are crucially dependent on critical infrastructure networks for the reliable delivery of essential goods and services. Hence, well-founded analyses concerning disruptions are needed to guide decisions that seek to ensure the performance of these networks in the face of failures caused by vulnerabilities to external hazards or technical malfunctions. In this setting, we develop a multicriteria decision analysis approach to support the formulation of cost-efficient portfolios of preventive reinforcement actions. Our approach is general in that it (i) allows for multiple objectives, such as those that represent the volume of traffic that is enabled between alternative origin-destination pairs in a transportation network, (ii) uses methods of probabilistic risk assessment to quantify the expected performance of the network, and (iii) solves optimization problems to identify those combinations of reinforcement actions that are cost-efficient in improving the performance of the network, given the available, possibly incomplete information about the relative importance of objectives. Our methodological contributions are illustrated by a case study on the analysis of railway switches at a representative Finnish railway station.