Time series forecasting is widely used in business intelligence, e.g., forecast stock market price, sales, and help the analysis of data trend. Most time series of interest are macroscopic time series that are aggregated from microscopic data. However, instead of directly modeling the macroscopic time series, rare literature studied the forecasting of macroscopic time series by leveraging data on the microscopic level. In this paper, we assume that the microscopic time series follow some unknown mixture probabilistic distributions. We theoretically show that as we identify the ground truth latent mixture components, the estimation of time series from each component could be improved because of lower variance, thus benefitting the estimation of macroscopic time series as well. Inspired by the power of Seq2seq and its variants on the modeling of time series data, we propose Mixture of Seq2seq (MixSeq), an end2end mixture model to cluster microscopic time series, where all the components come from a family of Seq2seq models parameterized by different parameters. Extensive experiments on both synthetic and real-world data show the superiority of our approach.
翻译:时间序列预测被广泛用于商业情报,例如,预测股票市场价格、销售量和帮助分析数据趋势。大多数感兴趣的时间序列是从微观数据中汇总的宏观表面时间序列。然而,稀有文献不是直接模拟宏观时间序列,而是利用微观数据,研究宏观时间序列的预测。在本文中,我们假设微小时间序列遵循一些未知的混合概率分布。我们理论上表明,当我们确定地面真相潜伏混合物组成部分时,每个组成部分的时间序列的估算可以因差异较小而得到改善,从而有利于对宏观时间序列的估计。在Seq2seq的力量及其模型时间序列数据变量的启发下,我们提出了Seq2seq(MixSeq)的混合体,即一个端2端混合物模型,用于集集聚微生物时间序列。 所有组成部分都来自按不同参数测得的Seq2sqeq模型系列,从而有利于对大型时间序列的估算。在合成和现实世界数据方法上进行的广泛实验。