We develop a novel family of metrics over measures, using $p$-Wasserstein style optimal transport (OT) formulation with dual-norm based regularized marginal constraints. Our study is motivated by the observation that existing works have only explored $\phi$-divergence regularized Wasserstein metrics like the Generalized Wasserstein metrics or the Gaussian-Hellinger-Kantorovich metrics. It is an open question if Wasserstein style metrics can be defined using regularizers that are not $\phi$-divergence based. Our work provides an affirmative answer by proving that the proposed formulation, under mild conditions, indeed induces valid metrics for any dual norm. The proposed regularized metrics seem to achieve the best of both worlds by inheriting useful properties from the parent metrics, viz., the $p$-Wasserstein and the dual-norm involved. For example, when the dual norm is Maximum Mean Discrepancy (MMD), we prove that the proposed regularized metrics inherit the dimension-free sample complexity from the MMD regularizer; while preserving/enhancing other useful properties of the $p$-Wasserstein metric. Further, when $p=1$, we derive a Fenchel dual, which enables proving that the proposed metrics actually induce novel norms over measures. Also, in this case, we show that the mixture geodesic, which is a common geodesic for the parent metrics, remains a geodesic. We empirically study various properties of the proposed metrics and show their utility in diverse applications.