Let $G$ be an undirected graph, and $s,t$ distinguished vertices of $G$. A minimal $s,t$-separator is an inclusion-wise minimal vertex-set whose removal places $s$ and $t$ in distinct connected components. We present an algorithm for listing the minimal $s,t$-separators of a graph in non-decreasing order of cardinality, in polynomial-delay. This problem finds applications in various algorithms parameterized by treewidth, which include query evaluation in relational databases, probabilistic inference, and many more. In the process, we prove several results that are of independent interest. We establish a new island of tractability to the intensively studied 2-disjoint connected subgraphs problem, which is NP-complete even for restricted graph classes that include planar graphs, and prove new characterizations of minimal $s,t$-separators. Ours is the first to present a ranked enumeration algorithm for minimal separators where the delay is polynomial in the size of the input graph.