It is a theorem or valid rule of replacement in classical logic that P implies Q is logically equivalent to not-P or Q, which means they can be replaced (in proofs) or defined (in axioms) by each other. It is well known that the equivalence is problematic as it is not actually valid. Specifically, from P implies Q, not-P or Q can be inferred (``Implication-to-disjunction'' is indeed valid), while from not-P or Q, P implies Q cannot be inferred (``Disjunction-to-implication'' is not valid), so the equivalence between them is invalid. This work aims to remove exactly the incorrect Disjunction-to-implication from classical logic (CL). The paper proposes a logical system (IRL), which has the properties (1) adding Disjunction-to-implication to IRL is simply CL, and (2) Disjunction-to-implication is independent of IRL, i.e. either Disjunction-to-implication or its negation cannot be derived in IRL. In other words, IRL is just the subsystem of CL with Disjunction-to-implication being exactly removed.
翻译:典型逻辑中,P意味着Q在逻辑上等同于非P或Q,这在逻辑上是一种理论或有效的替代规则,意味着Q在逻辑上等同于非P或Q,这意味着它们可以相互替换(在证据中)或被相互定义(在轴中),众所周知,等同是有问题的,因为它实际上并不有效。具体地说,P意味着Q,不是P或Q可以被推断(“从相交到交叉性”确实有效),而从非P或Q中,P意味着不能被推断Q(“从相联到模拟”是无效的),因此它们之间的等同是无效的。这项工作旨在完全消除传统逻辑(CL)中不正确的分解-反相联性。本文提出了一个逻辑系统(IRL),其属性(1) 添加与IRL的相联性是简单的CL,(2)从相联性到反相联性是独立于IRL的,即不相联性到相联性或其否定性是无法在IRL中完全导出的。