Boussinesq type equations have been widely studied to model the surface water wave. In this paper, we consider the abcd Boussinesq system which is a family of Boussinesq type equations including many well-known models such as the classical Boussinesq system, BBM-BBM system, Bona-Smith system etc. We propose local discontinuous Galerkin (LDG) methods, with carefully chosen numerical fluxes, to numerically solve this abcd Boussinesq system. The main focus of this paper is to rigorously establish a priori error estimate of the proposed LDG methods for a wide range of the parameters a, b, c, d. Numerical experiments are shown to test the convergence rates, and to demonstrate that the proposed methods can simulate the head-on collision of traveling wave and finite time blow-up behavior well.
翻译:Boussinesq 型式方程式已被广泛研究,以模拟地表水波。在本文件中,我们考虑了布辛斯克型式的腹部布辛斯克系统,由布辛斯克型方程式组成,包括许多著名模型,如古典布辛斯克系统、BBM-BBM系统、Bona-Smith系统等。我们提出了局部不连续的Galerkin(LDG)方法,并仔细选择了数字通量,以便从数字上解决这个腹部布辛斯克系统。本文的主要重点是严格确定拟议的LDG方法对一系列参数a、b、c、d.的先验误估计,以测试聚合率,并证明拟议的方法可以模拟流动波头碰撞和有限时间打击行为井然。