\begin{abstract} Greedy permutations, also known as Gonzalez Orderings or Farthest Point Traversals are a standard way to approximate $k$-center clustering and have many applications in sampling and approximating metric spaces. A greedy tree is an added structure on a greedy permutation that tracks the (approximate) nearest predecessor. Greedy trees have applications in proximity search as well as in topological data analysis. For metrics of doubling dimension $d$, a $2^{O(d)}n\log n$ time algorithm is known, but it is randomized and also, quite complicated. Its construction involves a series of intermediate structures and $O(n \log n)$ space. In this paper, we show how to construct greedy permutations and greedy trees using a simple variation of an algorithm of Clarkson that was shown to run in $2^{O(d)}n\log \Delta$ time, where the spread $\spread$ is the ratio of largest to smallest pairwise distances. The improvement comes from the observation that the greedy tree can be constructed more easily than the greedy permutation. This leads to a linear time algorithm for merging two approximate greedy trees and thus, an $2^{O(d)}n \log n$ time algorithm for computing the tree. Then, we show how to extract a $(1+\frac{1}{n})$-approximate greedy permutation from the approximate greedy tree in the same asymptotic running time. \end{abstract}