We introduce Smooth InfoMax (SIM), a novel method for self-supervised representation learning that incorporates an interpretability constraint into the learned representations at various depths of the neural network. SIM's architecture is split up into probabilistic modules, each locally optimized using the InfoNCE bound. Inspired by VAEs, the representations from these modules are designed to be samples from Gaussian distributions and are further constrained to be close to the standard normal distribution. This results in a smooth and predictable space, enabling traversal of the latent space through a decoder for easier post-hoc analysis of the learned representations. We evaluate SIM's performance on sequential speech data, showing that it performs competitively with its less interpretable counterpart, Greedy InfoMax (GIM). Moreover, we provide insights into SIM's internal representations, demonstrating that the contained information is less entangled throughout the representation and more concentrated in a smaller subset of the dimensions. This further highlights the improved interpretability of SIM.