This paper concerns the research problem of point cloud registration to find the rigid transformation to optimally align the source point set with the target one. Learning robust point cloud registration models with deep neural networks has emerged as a powerful paradigm, offering promising performance in predicting the global geometric transformation for a pair of point sets. Existing methods firstly leverage an encoder to regress a latent shape embedding, which is then decoded into a shape-conditioned transformation via concatenation-based conditioning. However, different regions of a 3D shape vary in their geometric structures which makes it more sense that we have a region-conditioned transformation instead of the shape-conditioned one. In this paper we present a \underline{R}egion-\underline{A}ware point cloud \underline{R}egistration, denoted as RAR, to predict transformation for pairwise point sets in the self-supervised learning fashion. More specifically, we develop a novel region-aware decoder (RAD) module that is formed with an implicit neural region representation parameterized by neural networks. The implicit neural region representation is learned with a self-supervised 3D shape reconstruction loss without the need for region labels. Consequently, the region-aware decoder (RAD) module guides the training of the region-aware transformation (RAT) module and region-aware weight (RAW) module, which predict the transforms and weights for different regions respectively. The global geometric transformation from source point set to target one is then formed by the weighted fusion of region-aware transforms. Compared to the state-of-the-art approaches, our experiments show that our RAR achieves superior registration performance over various benchmark datasets (e.g. ModelNet40).