In this paper we elaborate an extension of rotation-based iterative Gaussianization, RBIG, which makes image Gaussianization possible. Although RBIG has been successfully applied to many tasks, it is limited to medium dimensionality data (on the order of a thousand dimensions). In images its application has been restricted to small image patches or isolated pixels, because rotation in RBIG is based on principal or independent component analysis and these transformations are difficult to learn and scale. Here we present the \emph{Convolutional RBIG}: an extension that alleviates this issue by imposing that the rotation in RBIG is a convolution. We propose to learn convolutional rotations (i.e. orthonormal convolutions) by optimising for the reconstruction loss between the input and an approximate inverse of the transformation using the transposed convolution operation. Additionally, we suggest different regularizers in learning these orthonormal convolutions. For example, imposing sparsity in the activations leads to a transformation that extends convolutional independent component analysis to multilayer architectures. We also highlight how statistical properties of the data, such as multivariate mutual information, can be obtained from \emph{Convolutional RBIG}. We illustrate the behavior of the transform with a simple example of texture synthesis, and analyze its properties by visualizing the stimuli that maximize the response in certain feature and layer.
翻译:在本文中,我们详细描述了基于旋转的迭代高山化(RBIG)的延伸,它使图像高山化成为可能。虽然RBIG成功地应用到许多任务,但它仅限于中等维度数据(以千维为顺序)。在图像应用中,它仅限于小图像补丁或孤立像素,因为RBIG的轮换基于主元件或独立元件分析,这些转变难以学习和规模。在这里我们介绍了 emph{ConvolutionRBIG:一个通过强制规定 RBIG 的轮换是一种演化来缓解这一问题的延伸。我们提议通过优化输入和转换变换的变形操作之间的重塑损失和近似变形。此外,我们建议不同的规范者学习这些变形变形变形变形和变形变形。例如,在激活变形变形分析到多层结构时,使变异的元件分析成为多层结构。我们还要强调数据的统计属性,例如多层变变变变变变变变变的内,我们从多层变变变变变色的变形的变形图。