Registration of multivariate functional data involves handling of both cross-component and cross-observation phase variations. Allowing for the two phase variations to be modelled as general diffeomorphic time warpings, in this work we focus on the hitherto unconsidered setting where phase variation of the component functions are spatially correlated. We propose an algorithm to optimize a metric-based objective function for registration with a novel penalty term that incorporates the spatial correlation between the component phase variations through a kriging estimate of an appropriate phase random field. The penalty term encourages the overall phase at a particular location to be similar to the spatially weighted average phase in its neighbourhood, and thus engenders a regularization that prevents over-alignment. Utility of the registration method, and its superior performance compared to methods that fail to account for the spatial correlation, is demonstrated through performance on simulated examples and two multivariate functional datasets pertaining to EEG signals and ozone concentrations. The generality of the framework opens up the possibility for extension to settings involving different forms of correlation between the component functions and their phases.