Over the past few decades, multimodal emotion recognition has made remarkable progress with the development of deep learning. However, existing technologies are difficult to meet the demand for practical applications. To improve the robustness, we launch a Multimodal Emotion Recognition Challenge (MER 2023) to motivate global researchers to build innovative technologies that can further accelerate and foster research. For this year's challenge, we present three distinct sub-challenges: (1) MER-MULTI, in which participants recognize both discrete and dimensional emotions; (2) MER-NOISE, in which noise is added to test videos for modality robustness evaluation; (3) MER-SEMI, which provides large amounts of unlabeled samples for semi-supervised learning. In this paper, we test a variety of multimodal features and provide a competitive baseline for each sub-challenge. Our system achieves 77.57% on the F1 score and 0.82 on the mean squared error (MSE) for MER-MULTI, 69.82% on the F1 score and 1.12 on MSE for MER-NOISE, and 86.75% on the F1 score for MER-SEMI, respectively. Baseline code is available at https://github.com/zeroQiaoba/MER2023-Baseline.
翻译:过去几十年中,深度学习技术的发展取得了显著进步,在多模态情感识别方面取得了重大进展。然而,现有技术难以满足实际应用需求。为了提高技术的鲁棒性,我们发起了2023年多模态情感识别挑战赛(MER 2023),以激励全球研究人员构建创新技术,进一步加速研究。今年的挑战赛包括三个不同的子挑战:(1) MER-MULTI,参与者需要识别出离散情感和连续情感;(2) MER-NOISE,参与者需要通过给测试视频添加不同类型的噪声来测试模态鲁棒性;(3) MER-SEMI,该子挑战提供了大量的未标注样本用于半监督学习。在本文中,我们测试了各种多模态特征,并为每个子挑战提供了竞争性的基准线。我们的系统在MER-MULTI中达到77.57%的F1分数和0.82的均方误差(MSE),在MER-NOISE中达到69.82%的F1分数和1.12的MSE,在MER-SEMI中达到了86.75%的F1分数。基准代码可在https://github.com/zeroQiaoba/MER2023-Baseline上获得。