Mathematical notions of privacy, such as differential privacy, are often stated as probabilistic guarantees that are difficult to interpret. It is imperative, however, that the implications of data sharing be effectively communicated to the data principal to ensure informed decision-making and offer full transparency with regards to the associated privacy risks. To this end, our work presents a rigorous quantitative evaluation of the protection conferred by private learners by investigating their resilience to training data reconstruction attacks. We accomplish this by deriving non-asymptotic lower bounds on the reconstruction error incurred by any adversary against $(\epsilon, \delta)$ differentially private learners for target samples that belong to any compact metric space. Working with a generalization of differential privacy, termed metric privacy, we remove boundedness assumptions on the input space prevalent in prior work, and prove that our results hold for general locally compact metric spaces. We extend the analysis to cover the high dimensional regime, wherein, the input data dimensionality may be larger than the adversary's query budget, and demonstrate that our bounds are minimax optimal under certain regimes.