To successfully launch backdoor attacks, injected data needs to be correctly labeled; otherwise, they can be easily detected by even basic data filters. Hence, the concept of clean-label attacks was introduced, which is more dangerous as it doesn't require changing the labels of injected data. To the best of our knowledge, the existing clean-label backdoor attacks largely relies on an understanding of the entire training set or a portion of it. However, in practice, it is very difficult for attackers to have it because of training datasets often collected from multiple independent sources. Unlike all current clean-label attacks, we propose a novel clean label method called 'Poison Dart Frog'. Poison Dart Frog does not require access to any training data; it only necessitates knowledge of the target class for the attack, such as 'frog'. On CIFAR10, Tiny-ImageNet, and TSRD, with a mere 0.1\%, 0.025\%, and 0.4\% poisoning rate of the training set size, respectively, Poison Dart Frog achieves a high Attack Success Rate compared to LC, HTBA, BadNets, and Blend. Furthermore, compared to the state-of-the-art attack, NARCISSUS, Poison Dart Frog achieves similar attack success rates without any training data. Finally, we demonstrate that four typical backdoor defense algorithms struggle to counter Poison Dart Frog.