We carry out a stability and convergence analysis of a fully discrete scheme for the time-dependent Navier-Stokes equations resulting from combining an $H(\mathrm{div}, \Omega)$-conforming discontinuous Galerkin spatial discretization, and a discontinuous Galerkin time stepping scheme. Such a scheme is proven to be pressure robust and Reynolds semi-robust. Standard techniques can be used to analyze only the case of lowest-order approximations in time. Therefore, we use some nonstandard test functions to prove existence of discrete solutions, unconditional stability, and quasi-optimal convergence rates for any degree of approximation in time. In particular, a continuous dependence of the discrete solution on the data of the problem, and quasi-optimal convergence rates for low and high Reynolds numbers are proven in an energy norm including the term $L^{\infty}(0, T; L^2(\Omega)^d)$ for the velocity. Some numerical experiments validating our theoretical results are presented.