We present a framework for assistive robot manipulation, which focuses on two fundamental challenges: first, efficiently adapting large-scale models to downstream scene affordance understanding tasks, especially in daily living scenarios where gathering multi-task data involving humans requires strenuous effort; second, effectively learning robot trajectories by grounding the visual affordance model. We tackle the first challenge by employing a parameter-efficient prompt tuning method that prepends learnable text prompts to the frozen vision model to predict manipulation affordances in multi-task scenarios. Then we propose to learn robot trajectories guided by affordances in a supervised Flow Matching method. Flow matching represents a robot visuomotor policy as a conditional process of flowing random waypoints to desired robot trajectories. Finally, we introduce a real-world dataset with 10 tasks across Activities of Daily Living to test our framework. Our extensive evaluation highlights that the proposed prompt tuning method for learning manipulation affordance with language prompter achieves competitive performance and even outperforms other finetuning protocols across data scales, while satisfying parameter efficiency. Learning multi-task robot trajectories with flow matching policy also leads to consistently better results than alternative behavior cloning methods, including marginally better generalization performance and prominently faster inference than diffusion policy with DDPM. Our framework seamlessly unifies affordance model learning and trajectory generation with flow matching for robot manipulation.