Machine learning for locating phase diagram has received intensive research interest in recent years. However, its application in automatically locating phase diagram is limited to single closed phase boundary. In this paper, in order to locate phase diagrams with multiple phases and complex boundaries, we introduce (i) a network-shaped snake model and (ii) a topologically transformable snake with discriminative cooperative networks, respectively. The phase diagrams of both quantum and classical spin-1 model are obtained. Our method is flexible to determine the phase diagram with just snapshots of configurations from the cold-atom or other experiments.
翻译:定位阶段图的机器学习近年来引起了广泛的研究兴趣,然而,在自动定位阶段图中的应用仅限于单一封闭阶段边界。在本文中,为了定位具有多个阶段和复杂边界的相位图,我们分别采用了(一) 网络形蛇型模型和(二) 具有歧视性合作网络的地形可变蛇型,获得了量子和古典螺旋-1型的相位图。我们的方法是灵活的,通过对冷原子或其他实验的配置进行简单描述来确定相位图。