The transition to 4th generation district heating creates a growing need for scalable, automated design tools that accurately capture the spatial and temporal details of heating network operation. This paper presents an automated design approach for the optimal design of district heating networks that combines scalable density-based topology optimization with a multi-period approach. In this way, temporal variations in demand, supply, and heat losses can be taken into account while optimizing the network design based on a nonlinear physics model. The transition of the automated design approach from worst-case to multi-period shows a design progression from separate branched networks to a single integrated meshed network topology connecting all producers. These integrated topologies emerge without imposing such structures a priori. They increase network connectivity, and allow for more flexible shifting of heat loads between different producers and heat consumers, resulting in more cost-effective use of heat. In a case study, this integrated design resulted in an increase in waste heat share of 42.8 % and a subsequent reduction in project cost of 17.9 %. We show how producer unavailability can be accounted for in the automated design at the cost of a 3.1 % increase in the cost of backup capacity. The resulting optimized network designs of this approach connect multiple low temperature heat sources in a single integrated network achieving high waste heat utilization and redundancy, highlighting the applicability of the approach to next-generation district heating networks.