We consider the problem of enhancing an underexposed dark image captured in a very low-light environment where details cannot be detected. Existing methods learn to adjust the input image's exposure to a predetermined value. In practice, however, the optimal enhanced exposure varies from one input image to another, and as a result, the enhanced images may contain visual artifacts such as low-contrast or dark areas. We address this limitation by introducing a deep learning model that allows the user to continuously adjust the enhanced exposure level during runtime in order to optimize the output based on his preferences. We present a dataset of 1500 raw images captured in both outdoor and indoor scenes in extreme low-light conditions, with five different exposure levels and various camera parameters, as a key contribution. We demonstrate that, when compared to previous methods, our method can significantly improve the enhancement quality of images captured in extreme low-light conditions under a variety of conditions.
翻译:我们考虑如何在极低光度环境中加强在无法检测细节的极低光环境中捕捉到的未充分暴露的暗色图像的问题; 现有方法学会将输入图像的曝光量调整到预定值; 然而,在实践中,最佳强化的曝光量因输入图像而异,因此,增强的图像可能包含低相距或暗色区域等视觉文物; 我们通过引入一个深层学习模式来解决这一局限性,使用户能够在运行期间不断调整强化的暴露水平,以便根据他的偏好优化输出; 我们提供了一套数据,其中含有在极端低光条件下在室外和室内拍摄的1500张原始图像,其中5种不同接触水平和各种摄像参数,作为关键贡献。 我们证明,与以往的方法相比,我们的方法可以极大地提高在各种条件下在极低光条件下拍摄的图像的质量。