In this work we propose a low rank approximation of high fidelity finite element simulations by utilizing weights corresponding to areas of high stress levels for an abdominal aortic aneurysm, i.e. a deformed blood vessel. We focus on the van Mises stress, which corresponds to the rupture risk of the aorta. This is modeled as a Gaussian Markov random field and we define our approximation as a basis of vectors that solve a series of optimization problems. Each of these problems describes the minimization of an expected weighted quadratic loss. The weights, which encapsulate the importance of each grid point of the finite elements, can be chosen freely - either data driven or by incorporating domain knowledge. Along with a more general discussion of mathematical properties we provide an effective numerical heuristic to compute the basis under general conditions. We explicitly explore two such bases on the surface of a high fidelity finite element grid and show their efficiency for compression. We further utilize the approach to predict the van Mises stress in areas of interest using low and high fidelity simulations. Due to the high dimension of the data we have to take extra care to keep the problem numerically feasible. This is also a major concern of this work.