Positron emission tomography (PET) has been widely used for the diagnosis of serious diseases including cancer and Alzheimer's disease, based on the uptake of radiolabelled molecules that target certain pathological signatures. Recently, a novel imaging mode known as positronium lifetime imaging (PLI) has been shown possible with time-of-flight (TOF) PET as well. PLI is also of practical interest because it can provide complementary disease information reflecting conditions of the tissue microenvironment via mechanisms that are independent of tracer uptake. However, for the present practical systems that have a finite TOF resolution, the PLI reconstruction problem has yet to be fully formulated for the development of accurate reconstruction algorithms. This paper addresses this challenge by developing a statistical model for the PLI data and deriving from it a maximum-likelihood algorithm for reconstructing lifetime images alongside the uptake images. By using realistic computer simulation data, we show that the proposed algorithm can produce quantitatively accurate lifetime images for a 570~ps TOF PET system.
翻译:光子排放透析法(PET)被广泛用于诊断包括癌症和阿尔茨海默氏病在内的严重疾病,包括癌症和阿尔茨海默氏病,其基础是吸收针对某些病征特征的放射性标签分子。最近,利用飞行时间(TOF)PET也展示了一种新型成像模式,称为“PLI” 。PLI也具有实际意义,因为它能够提供补充性疾病信息,反映组织微生物环境的条件,而这种机制与吸收跟踪器无关。然而,对于目前具有有限的TOF分辨率的实用系统来说,PLI重建问题尚未充分形成,以发展准确的重建算法。本文通过开发一个PLI数据的统计模型,并从中得出一种与吸收图像同时重建终生图像的尽可能相似的算法来应对这一挑战。我们通过使用现实的计算机模拟数据,表明拟议的算法可以为570~PF PET系统生成定量准确的终身图像。</s>