项目名称: 标准CMOS工艺光电集成接收机的宽带低噪设计的建模研究
项目编号: No.61306069
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2014
项目学科: 无线电电子学、电信技术
项目作者: 王蓉
作者单位: 东南大学
项目金额: 25万元
中文摘要: 针对硅基标准CMOS工艺OEIC的带宽和灵敏度两大瓶颈问题,我们在理论研究的基础上,开展以器件建模、算法构建和实验评估为核心的创新研究,将对实现宽带高灵敏度CMOS OEIC提供有力的理论和技术支持,具有重要的学术意义与应用价值。本研究探索CMOS PD 的完整建模,实现CMOS OEIC光电集成的一体化设计和优化;探索均衡频率补偿的数学模型,并建立补偿算法,实现精确的带宽补偿;研究共衬底耦合对PD的性能影响,并为共衬底噪声优化提供实验依据。最终实现高性能CMOS OEIC前端,为CMOS OEIC的带宽和灵敏度优化提供理论基础和建模设计方法,促进标准CMOS OEIC的实用化发展。
中文关键词: 光电集成接收机;建模;带宽;灵敏度;标准 CMOS 工艺
英文摘要: Regarding the two bottlenecks: bandwidth and sensitivity of the standard CMOS OEIC, this project will conduct innovative study through the device modeling, mathematical modeling and experimental evaluation based on the theoretical study. We will give solid support on both theoretical and technical side to realize wide-bandwidth and high sensitivity CMOS OEIC with proved value on both academic and application area. Firstly, we will explore on complete model building of CMOS PD which is used to realize the design and optimization of integration of Optical and Electronic. Secondly, we focus on the mathematical modeling of the balanced frequency compensation and building a compensation algorithm, which can realize accurate frequency compensation. At last, we will explorer the influence of substrate noise coupling on PD. In order to promote the development of the standard CMOS OEIC, our final goal is to realize high performance front-end CMOS OEIC and build theoretical foundation with modeling methodology for the optimization of the bandwidth and the sensitivity.
英文关键词: OEIC receiver;modeling;sensitivity;bandwidt;stardard CMOS technology