Gromov--Hausdorff distances measure shape difference between the objects representable as compact metric spaces, e.g. point clouds, manifolds, or graphs. Computing any Gromov--Hausdorff distance is equivalent to solving an NP-Hard optimization problem, deeming the notion impractical for applications. In this paper we propose polynomial algorithm for estimating the so-called modified Gromov--Hausdorff (mGH) distance, whose topological equivalence with the standard Gromov--Hausdorff (GH) distance was established in \cite{memoli12} (M\'emoli, F, \textit{Discrete \& Computational Geometry, 48}(2) 416-440, 2012). We implement the algorithm for the case of compact metric spaces induced by unweighted graphs as part of Python library \verb|scikit-tda|, and demonstrate its performance on real-world and synthetic networks. The algorithm finds the mGH distances exactly on most graphs with the scale-free property. We use the computed mGH distances to successfully detect outliers in real-world social and computer networks.
翻译:Gromov-Hausdorf-Hausdorf(mGH) 测量所谓的紧凑度量空间物体之间的方位差异,例如点云、方块或图形。计算任何Gromov-Hausdorf 距离都相当于解决NP-Hard优化问题,认为这个概念对应用程序来说不切实际。在本文中,我们提出了估算所谓的修改后的Gromov-Hausdorf(mGH)距离的多元算法,该算法与标准Gromov-Hausdorf(GH)距离的表面等同性在\cite{emoli12}(M\'emoli,F,\textit{Discrete ⁇ Computational Geology,48}(2) 416-440,2012年)。我们用未经加权的图形引领出的紧凑度空间的计算法作为Python 图书馆\verb ⁇ siat-cikit-t-tda ⁇ 的一部分,并展示其在现实世界和合成网络上的表现。该算算算出大多数图表上的GHHHGHMGHMs距离。我们利用了在社会空间的距离,在计算机-stalliallallallal-lal-w。我们用测测算出了MGHGHGHS