Introduction: Statistical models for the meta-analysis of test accuracy have historically required a high level of specialised knowledge to implement. The necessary level of expertise has recently increased further, due to the development and recommendation to use more sophisticated methods; such as those in Version 2 of the Cochrane Handbook for Systematic Reviews of Diagnostic Test Accuracy. This paper describes a web-based application that extends the functionality of previous applications, making many advanced analysis methods more accessible. Methods: We sought to create an extended, stand-alone, Bayesian version of MetaDTA, which (i) has the benefits of previously proposed applications and addresses key limitations of them, (ii) is accessible to researchers who do not have the specific expertise required to fit such models, and (iii) is suitable for experienced analysts due to its user-friendly interface. We created the application in R using Shiny and coded the models using Stan. Results: We created MetaBayesDTA (, which allows users to conduct meta-analysis of test accuracy, with or without assuming a gold standard. The application addresses several key limitations of other applications. For instance, for the bivariate model, one can conduct subgroup analysis, univariate meta-regression, and comparative test accuracy evaluation. Meanwhile, for the model which does not assume a perfect gold standard, the application can account for the fact that different studies in a meta-analysis use different reference tests. Conclusions: Due to its user-friendliness and broad array of features, MetaBayesDTA should appeal to a wide variety of applied researchers. We anticipate that the application will encourage wider use of more advanced methods, which ultimately should improve the quality of test accuracy reviews.
翻译:对测试准确性进行元分析的统计模型历来需要高水平的专门性知识才能实施。由于开发和建议使用更精密的方法,例如《Cochrane诊断测试精确性系统审查手册》第二版中的方法,必要的专门知识水平最近进一步增加。本文描述了扩大以往应用功能的网络应用程序,使许多先进的分析方法更易于使用。方法:我们试图创建一个扩大的、独立的、Bayesian版本的MetADTA(i) 具有先前提议的应用的好处,并解决了这些应用的主要局限性,(ii) 研究人员可以使用不具有适应这些模型所需具体专门知识的更先进的方法;以及(iii) 适合有经验的分析者,因为其界面方便用户。我们创建了一个基于网络的应用程序,扩展了以前应用的功能,使许多先进的分析方法更易于使用。(, 这种方法允许用户对测试模型的准确性进行元分析,使用或不假定具有比较性结论,(ii) A) 其精确性测试标准测试方法最终可以用来进行。应用一些关键的测试方法,可以用来进行。