Class incremental learning (CIL) is the process of continually learning new object classes from incremental data while not forgetting past learned classes. While the common method for evaluating CIL algorithms is based on average test accuracy for all learned classes, we argue that maximizing accuracy alone does not necessarily lead to effective CIL algorithms. In this paper, we experimentally analyze neural network models trained by CIL algorithms using various evaluation protocols in representation learning and propose a new analysis method. Our experiments show that most state-of-the-art algorithms prioritize high stability and do not significantly change the learned representation, and sometimes even learn a representation of lower quality than a naive baseline. However, we observe that these algorithms can still achieve high test accuracy because they learn a classifier that is closer to the optimal classifier. We also found that the base model learned in the first task varies in representation quality across different algorithms, and changes in the final performance were observed when each algorithm was trained under similar representation quality of the base model. Thus, we suggest that representation-level evaluation is an additional recipe for more objective evaluation and effective development of CIL algorithms.