A modification of Newton's method for solving systems of $n$ nonlinear equations is presented. The new matrix-free method relies on a given decomposition of the invertible Jacobian of the residual into invertible sparse local Jacobians according to the chain rule of differentiation. It is motivated in the context of local Jacobians with bandwidth $2m+1$ for $m\ll n$. A reduction of the computational cost by $\mathcal{O}(\frac{n}{m})$ can be observed. Supporting run time measurements are presented for the tridiagonal case showing a reduction of the computational cost by $\mathcal{O}(n).$ Generalization yields the combinatorial Matrix-Free Newton Step problem. We prove is NP-completeness and we present several algorithmic components for building methods for its approximate solution. Inspired by adjoint Algorithmic Differentiation the new method shares several challenges for the latter including the DAG Reversal problem. Further challenges are due to combinatorial problems in sparse linear algebra such as Bandwidth or Directed Elimination Ordering.