In this paper, we study ideals spanned by polynomials or overconvergent series in a Tate algebra. With state-of-the-art algorithms for computing Tate Gr{\"o}bner bases, even if the input is polynomials, the size of the output grows with the required precision, both in terms of the size of the coefficients and the size of the support of the series. We prove that ideals which are spanned by polynomials admit a Tate Gr{\"o}bner basis made of polynomials, and we propose an algorithm, leveraging Mora's weak normal form algorithm, for computing it. As a result, the size of the output of this algorithm grows linearly with the precision. Following the same ideas, we propose an algorithm which computes an overconvergent basis for an ideal spanned by overconvergent series. Finally, we prove the existence of a universal analytic Gr{\"o}bner basis for polynomial ideals in Tate algebras, compatible with all convergence radii.
翻译:在本文中, 我们研究由多数值序列或过分混杂序列组成的模型代数序列中的理想。 我们用最先进的算法来计算 Tate Gr@'o}bner 基础, 即使输入是多数值, 输出的大小也会随着所要求的精确度而增长, 不管是从系数大小还是从支持序列的大小来看。 我们证明由多数值序列组成的模型所覆盖的理想都承认了由多数值制成的Tate Gr@'o}bner基础, 我们提出一个算法, 利用摩拉的弱小的正常形式算法来计算它。 结果, 这个算法的输出大小会随着精确度的线性增长。 遵循同样的想法, 我们提出一个算法, 将一个高度趋同的基础进行对比, 由过分趋同的序列来计算一个理想的宽度。 最后, 我们证明塔代代代代数仪中存在一个通用的多数值的解算法基础, 与所有趋同的相容。