While much of network design focuses mostly on cost (number or weight of edges), node degrees have also played an important role. They have traditionally either appeared as an objective, to minimize the maximum degree (e.g., the Minimum Degree Spanning Tree problem), or as constraints which might be violated to give bicriteria approximations (e.g., the Minimum Cost Degree Bounded Spanning Tree problem). We extend the study of degrees in network design in two ways. First, we introduce and study a new variant of the Survivable Network Design Problem where in addition to the traditional objective of minimizing the cost of the chosen edges, we add a constraint that the $\ell_p$-norm of the node degree vector is bounded by an input parameter. This interpolates between the classical settings of maximum degree (the $\ell_{\infty}$-norm) and the number of edges (the $\ell_1$-degree), and has natural applications in distributed systems and VLSI design. We give a constant bicriteria approximation in both measures using convex programming. Second, we provide a polylogrithmic bicriteria approximation for the Degree Bounded Group Steiner problem on bounded treewidth graphs, solving an open problem from [Kortsarz and Nutov, Discret. Appl. Math. 2022] and [Guo et al., Algorithmica 2022].
翻译:虽然许多网络设计大多侧重于成本(边缘数量或重量),但节点度也发挥了重要作用。它们传统上被视为一个目标,旨在最大限度地减少最大度(例如,最小度横跨树的问题),或被限制为提供双标准近似(例如,最小成本度横跨树的问题)而可能违反。我们在网络设计中以两种方式扩展对学位的研究。首先,我们引入并研究可生存网络设计问题的新变量,其中除了尽量降低所选边缘成本的传统目标外,我们增加了一个限制,即节点矢量的$_p$-norm受一个输入参数的约束。这种限制在最大度的经典环境(例如,最小成本度横跨树的问题)和边缘的数量($\ell_1美元度)之间相互交叉。我们在分布式系统和VLSI设计中具有自然应用性。我们在使用 convex 编程的两种措施中不断提供双标准近似值。第二,我们为Stariax 和Dustoria-ligrogyal 提供了一个来自Stimasal-Igrosoal 和Appligrogram 问题的硬性平数。