Sensitivity of eigenvectors and eigenvalues of symmetric matrix estimates to the removal of a single observation have been well documented in the literature. However, a complicating factor can exist in that the rank of the eigenvalues may change due to the removal of an observation, and with that so too does the perceived importance of the corresponding eigenvector. We refer to this problem as "switching of eigenvalues". Since there is not enough information in the new eigenvalues post observation removal to indicate that this has happened, how do we know that this switching has occurred? In this paper, we show that approximations to the eigenvalues can be used to help determine when switching may have occurred. We then discuss possible actions researchers can take based on this knowledge, for example making better choices when it comes to deciding how many principal components should be retained and adjustments to approximate influence diagnostics that perform poorly when switching has occurred. Our results are easily applied to any eigenvalue problem involving symmetric matrix estimators. We highlight our approach with application to a real data example.
翻译:对称矩阵估计的感官和对称矩阵估计的对称矩阵值的感官性和对称矩阵值对于清除单一观测的感官性在文献中已有详细记载。 但是,一个复杂的因素可能存在,因为对称矩阵值的排序可能因观测的删除而发生变化,而相应的对称源值的认知重要性也随之发生变化。 我们将此问题称为“对等源值的切换”。 由于新的对称矩阵观察去除中没有足够的信息来表明这种情况已经发生, 我们如何知道这种转换已经发生? 在本文中, 我们显示对等值值的近比值可以用来帮助确定在何时发生转换。 我们然后讨论根据这种知识可能采取的行动, 例如, 当决定应该保留多少主要组成部分和调整以影响发生转换时表现不佳的诊断时, 我们的结果很容易应用到任何对称矩阵测量器的对等值问题。 我们用真实数据的应用来强调我们的方法。