项目名称: 一类不确定时滞多指标约束系统的容错保性能控制方法研究及其光电伺服系统应用
项目编号: No.61203090
项目类型: 青年科学基金项目
立项/批准年度: 2013
项目学科: 自动化学科
项目作者: 杨蒲
作者单位: 南京航空航天大学
项目金额: 26万元
中文摘要: 本项目以高精度目标跟踪光电伺服系统为背景,研究一类带有多指标约束的不确定时滞系统的容错保性能控制问题。针对系统不确定时滞与非线性扰动,首先将最优控制和滑模变结构控制结合,通过设计滑模切换控制律使得系统始终稳定保持在最优滑动轨迹上,然后考虑系统在不同故障条件下的故障估计问题,通过将实时故障信息引入最优滑模控制器以实现不确定时滞多故障状态下的鲁棒容错跟踪,接着考虑系统中多性能指标约束条件,给出时滞非线性系统在不同目标条件约束下的容错保性能控制器存在的充分条件和设计步骤,最后进一步推广得到Delta算子描述的不确定时滞多指标约束系统的容错保性能控制方案。 本项目以三轴电视跟踪伺服转台为具体实验对象,通过半物理仿真验证,建立一套安全可行的高精度目标跟踪光电伺服系统的高效容错保性能控制方案,使得相关理论研究更具重要的工程应用价值。
中文关键词: 时滞系统;指标约束;容错控制;光电伺服;滑模控制
英文摘要: Based on the background of high-precision target tracking optoelectronic servo systems, some design problems of fault-tolerant guaranteed cost control for a class of uncertain time-delay systems with multi-indices constraints are researched. According to the uncertain time-delay and nonlinear disturbances of the system, a robust switching control is designed to stabilize the system running on the optimal sliding track through combining optimal contol method and sliding mode control method. Then considering the problem of fault estimation under diffderent fault conditions, a real-time fault information is added to the optimal sliding mode controller to realize the robust fault-tolerant tracking. And considering multi-indices constraints of the time-delay system, the sufficient condition of the existence and design steps for the fault-tolerant guaranteed cost controller are provided under different restraint conditions.Finally, the above method of fault-tolerant guaranteed cost control is extended to the uncertain time-delay system with multi-indices constraints described by the Delta operator. Taking the three-axis TV tracking servo turntable as the subject of experiments, the project will built a safe, efficient and feasible fault-tolerant guaranteed cost control Scheme for high-precision target tracking opto
英文关键词: time-delay system;index constraint;fault-tolerant control;optoelectronic servo;sliding mode control